Nude with Fan (1920)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


"Nude with Fan" is a striking 1920 work by the American artist George Wesley Bellows that captures the delicate interplay of privacy and exposure. Set against an intimate backdrop with heavy curtains and a view of a verdant landscape, the painting features a solitary nude female figure seated on a white-draped bed. The figure’s candid pose and direct gaze evoke a powerful and unapologetic sense of self, as she confronts the viewer amidst her private surroundings.The artwork is highlighted by Bellows' signature brushwork and rich color palette. The soft flesh tones of the figure contrast vividly with the deep greens of the landscape outside and the dark floral pattern of the curtains and the fan she loosely holds. The fan, positioned by her left thigh, adds an element of grace and movement to the composition, aligning with the era's fascination with Oriental motifs.This painting not only exemplifies Bellows’ exceptional skill in portraying human figures but also reflects the complexities of modern femininity and individuality during the early 20th century. Each brushstroke and color choice enriches this narrative, making "Nude with Fan" a profound piece for contemplation about personal and spatial boundaries.


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George'as Wesley Bellowsas (1882 m. rugpjūčio men. - 1925 m. sausio 8 d.) buvo amerikiečių realistas tapytojas, žinomas dėl drąsių miesto gyvenimo Niujorke vaizdų. Pasak Kolumbo meno muziejaus, jis tapo „labiausiai pripažintu savo kartos Amerikos menininku“.