Male Nude, Propping Himself Up (1910)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


The painting depicts a male nude figure captured from behind, his body largely angled away from the viewer but with his head turned to glance over his shoulder. The pose is dynamic, suggesting movement or the process of partially rising. His form and muscles are accentuated through vibrant slashes of color—yellows, greens, oranges, and hints of red—juxtaposed with sketched details that hint at the anatomy beneath the skin. The figure's left arm stretches upward, aligning with the vertical composition, while his right arm extends out of the frame, enhancing the sense of motion and off-balance tension. The background is minimally detailed, a plain pale beige, focusing all attention on the boldly colored, expressive rendition of the human form. The expressive lines and contours, combined with the raw use of color and bold strokes, create a sense of urgency and vivid emotional resonance


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