Two Nudes (Ca. 1903)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


"Two Nudes" (Ca. 1903) by Edvard Munch features two nude females presented in contrasting postures and settings, rendered in a loose, expressive style characteristic of Munch's approach to form and color. On the left, one woman reclines languidly on a blue sofa, her body elongated and facing away from the viewer, with her head turned back over a dark red throw pillow, seemingly lost in contemplation or fatigue. Her pose is relaxed and informal, capturing a sense of intimate restfulness.On the right, the second figure sits upright on what appears to be a wooden chair, facing slightly towards the viewer. Her expression and posture suggest introspection or a mild engagement with her surroundings. Her seated position and the way she supports herself with her arm give her a more immediate and present demeanor compared to the relaxed form of the reclining figure.The painting’s background is muted, with light brush strokes suggesting a nondescript, almost dreamlike setting, which allows the viewer to focus more on the figures themselves. Munch’s use of color highlights the naturalistic tones of the body against the soft, undefined background, giving the figures a delicate yet vibrant presence within the canvas.This work might evoke themes of vulnerability, the nature of femininity, or the private moments of individual's lives—themes often explored in Munch’s broader oeuvre.


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Edvardas Munkas (1863 m. gruodžio 12 d. - 1944 m. sausio 23 d.) – norvegų dailininkas, savo darbais priskiriamas simbolistinio meno krypčiai. Menininko polinkis į simbolizmą ir psichologizmą susipynė su asmeniniais tragiškais išgyvenimais, todėl dominuojančios temos jo kūryboje vaizduoja ekstremalias situacijas – mirtį, vienatvę, naikinančią meilę.

Giclée kokybės spauda

50x34 cm

145,00 €