Nude with Red Skirt (1902)

Technika: Giclée kokybės spauda
Rekomenduoja laimingi klientai


The painting, "Nude with Red Skirt" by Edvard Munch, crafted in 1902, showcases an expressive, somewhat abstract portrayal of a female figure. The woman is painted from behind, displaying her in a partially dressed state. She sports a vibrant red skirt, which is the centerpiece of the color theme and immediately draws the viewer's eye.Munch’s technique involves bold, loose brushstrokes that give the work a dynamic and texture-rich appearance. The color palette is striking, dominated by deep reds and contrasting greens and blues, creating a somewhat moody and introspective atmosphere that is often indicative of Munch's style.The woman's upper body is rendered in a pale yellow and pink, which starkly contrasts with the red of her skirt and the darker background. She is standing, seeming to be in an intimate space, perhaps her bedroom, as suggested by the presence of what might be furniture around her. Her posture and the turn of her head express a moment of private contemplation or perhaps the act of dressing or undressing, which is a common theme in many artworks depicting nudes.Overall, Munch’s painting is not just a study of the human form, but also an exploration of color, emotion, and personal space, communicating a deeper sense of the subject’s inner world and the artist’s perception of isolation and human vulnerability.


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Edvardas Munkas (1863 m. gruodžio 12 d. - 1944 m. sausio 23 d.) – norvegų dailininkas, savo darbais priskiriamas simbolistinio meno krypčiai. Menininko polinkis į simbolizmą ir psichologizmą susipynė su asmeniniais tragiškais išgyvenimais, todėl dominuojančios temos jo kūryboje vaizduoja ekstremalias situacijas – mirtį, vienatvę, naikinančią meilę.