The Evangelist Saint Luke (1610 - 1615)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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We are thrilled to feature Joachim Wtewael's stirring portrayal of "The Evangelist Saint Luke," created between 1610 and 1615. This evocative painting depicts Saint Luke, traditionally known as one of the four evangelists and the patron saint of artists, in a moment of profound concentration. Wtewael's meticulous craftsmanship brings Saint Luke to life with an intense gaze and the detailed expression of deep thought.In this portrait, Saint Luke is shown with a contemplative look as he holds a quill in his hand, suggesting the act of writing his Gospel or perhaps sketching. His furrowed brow and the wrinkles around his eyes indicate his engagement and dedication to his task. The somber color palette underscores the seriousness of his endeavor, while the warmth of the red fabric beneath his hands adds a touch of vibrancy to the scene.The realistic portrayal of textures—from the softness of his silvery beard to the shimmering fabric of his green garment—demonstrates Wtewael’s mastery over oil as a medium, a testament to his standing as one of the leading Dutch painters of his time. Noticeable in the background is a hint of a darkened room, focusing all attention on the figure of Saint Luke and his divine inspiration.This painting not only captures the essence of the saint but also serves as a reflection of the era's artistic dedication to religious and historical themes.


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Joachim Anthoniszoon Wtewael was a Dutch Mannerist painter and draughtsman, as well as a highly successful flax merchant, and town councillor of Utrecht. Wtewael was one of the leading Dutch exponents of Northern Mannerism, and his distinctive and attractive style remained largely untouched by the naturalistic developments happening around him, "characterized by masterfully drawn, highly polished figures often set in capricious poses".