Tilhä In Rowan (1839)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Welcome to our exploration of "Tilhä In Rowan," a captivating oil painting by the Finnish artist Magnus Von Wright, created in 1839. This piece exemplifies Von Wright's meticulous attention to detail and his profound appreciation for the natural world.In "Tilhä In Rowan," we are presented with a serene yet vibrant portrayal of two waxwings perched elegantly on the branches of a rowan tree. The artist’s skill is evident in the lifelike rendering of the birds, whose sleek plumage shines under a subtle, diffuse light. The soft browns and creams of their feathers contrast beautifully with the sharp black mask-like markings around their eyes, creating an intriguing visual focus.The rowan tree itself is depicted with equal care, its leaves exhibiting varying shades of green and yellow, suggesting the approach of autumn. Bright red berries add a splash of color, drawing the eye and providing a feast for the birds. These berries not only serve as a striking visual element but also suggest the symbiotic relationship between the tree and the waxwings, highlighting nature's interconnectedness.Von Wright's background in natural history is evident in the authenticity and scientific accuracy of the painting. Each feather, leaf, and berry is rendered with scientific precision, reflecting his deep understanding and observation of his subjects."Tilhä In Rowan" not only captures the beauty of its subjects but also invites viewers to contemplate the quiet moments and subtle interactions that take place in the natural world.


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Magnus von Wright was a Swedish-Finnish painter, ornithologist and educator. In addition to bird illustrations, he was also known for his landscapes.

Magnus von Wright was born at the village of Haminalahti in Kuopio, Finland. His ancestors included Scottish merchants who had settled in Narva during the 17th-Century. His father Henrik Magnus von Wright was a retired Major who owned the family estate, Haminalahden.