The Calling of Saint Matthew (1752)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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In the evocative painting "The Calling of Saint Matthew" (1752) by Giovanni Paolo Panini, viewers are presented with a multi-dimensional Biblical scene that transcends mere representation. The scene takes place in a bustling tax collector’s office where Matthew, formerly a tax collector himself, is unexpectedly chosen by Christ to be one of his disciples. The setting is rendered with astonishing architectural detail, characteristic of Panini’s expertise in vistas and structures.Christ stands at the center-left of the composition, extending his hand toward Matthew, who appears stunned by the summons. The clear, divine light that touches Christ contrasts with the more earthly and shadowed environment where Matthew and the other figures are immersed in their daily transactions. The reaction of the bystanders, ranging from indifference to curiosity, captures a moment frozen in time where the sacred interrupts the profane.Panini’s mastery in creating a lively tableau is evident through his use of dynamic poses, varied expressions, and a deep, rich color palette that draws the eye across the canvas. The drapery and fabric, rendered with fluidity and texture, add a dramatic flair to the scene, enhancing the theatrical and poignant atmosphere.This masterpiece, while capturing a pivotal moment from the Gospel of Matthew, also speaks to the broader human experience of being called away from the familiar towards something greater and unknown.


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Giovanni Paolo, also known as Gian Paolo Panini or Pannini (17 June 1691 – 21 October 1765), was an Italian painter and architect who worked in Rome and is primarily known as one of the vedutisti ("view painters"). As a painter, Panini is best known for his vistas of Rome, in which he took a particular interest in the city's antiquities. Among his most famous works are his view of the interior of the Pantheon (on behalf of Francesco Algarotti), and his vedute—paintings of picture galleries containing views of Rome. Most of his works, especially those of ruins, have a fanciful and unreal embellishment characteristic of capriccio themes. In this they resemble the capricci of Marco Ricci. Panini also painted portraits, including one of Pope Benedict XIV.