Shipping in a storm
More about this artwork
C. M. Powell (1775–1824) was a self-taught artist, a fact which reflects great credit on him when one considers the beautiful draughtsmanship and ‘professional’ execution of his pictures. Although it is known that he served his apprenticeship as a sailor, it is unclear as to whether or not Powell was ever a member of the Royal Navy. It is possible that he did join the Navy, or was press-ganged into service, and subsequently absconded. A glance at the Royal Academy records between 1807 and 1821 indicates that he moved frequently, occupying no fewer than seven homes over a period of fourteen years, suggesting perhaps that he may well have been avoiding being retaken. It is also noticeable that Powell’s subjects rarely feature naval vessels; when they do appear they are either in the distance or middle-distance of the composition, the foreground being given over to fishing craft and coastal vessels.