Rocky Landscape with Waterfall and Watermill, Småland (1862)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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The painting "Rocky Landscape with Waterfall and Watermill, Småland" by Edvard Bergh, painted in 1862, is a stunning representation of the tranquil and rugged beauty typical of the Småland region in Sweden. This majestic artwork vividly captures a roaring waterfall cascading through a rocky terrain, its powerful currents animating the scene with a sense of dynamic movement.Central to the composition is an old watermill, nestled precariously on the banks of the rushing river. The mill, with its wooden architecture and functioning waterwheel, stands as a testament to human ingenuity and adaptation to the natural environment. It is painted with such detail that one can almost hear the creaking of the wood and the splash of the water against the paddles.In the foreground, Bergh has included a figure of a man, perhaps a mill worker, poised on a rock and engaged in fishing. This human element adds a sense of scale and serves to remind viewers of the symbiotic relationship between man and nature.The landscape is enveloped by a dramatic and atmospheric sky, suggesting the fleeting light of dusk or an impending storm, which adds an element of drama and emotion to the scene. The lush greenery and the rugged cliffs frame the water's relentless flow, highlighting nature's unyielding and wild beauty.This painting is not just a visual feast; it is also a narrative about resilience, the power of nature, and the quiet perseverance of daily life during the 19th century in rural Sweden.


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Johan Edward Bergh (29 March 1828 – 23 September 1880) was a Swedish jurist and landscape painter, associated with the Düsseldorf School.