Old Professor S (1901)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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The artwork "Old Professor S," created by the renowned Swedish artist Albert Engström in 1901, offers a captivating glimpse into a scene rich with character and emotion. The painting depicts an elderly professor, deeply engrossed in examining something closely with a magnifying glass. His posture and intense focus suggest a man committed to his study, possibly scrutinizing a scientific or historic artifact.Clustered around the professor are two other figures, whose expressions and stance convey a mix of curiosity and bemusement. The details of their clothing and facial features are sketched with Engström's characteristic line work, which brings out their distinctive personalities and perhaps even their relationships to the old professor and each other.The setting seems to be a dinner table, suggested by the assortment of plates and what appears to be bread rolls on the table, implying that this examination might be occurring either before or after a meal, adding an intriguing, informal twist to what might otherwise be a solemn scholarly activity.Albert Engström, known for his incisive wit and ability to capture human nature, uses straightforward yet powerful pen strokes to create a scene that is both inviting and thought-provoking.


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Albert Engström (1869 – 1940) was a Swedish artist, author and member of the Swedish Academy from 1922.