Behangselschildering van een Hollands landschap met een zandweg (c. 1776)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Explore the pastoral beauty of the Dutch countryside through Jurriaan Andriessen's exquisite painting titled "Behangselschildering van een Hollands landschap met een zandweg" (c. 1776). This captivating work illustrates a serene, bucolic landscape endowed with a lush path—a hallmark of 18th-century scenic art.The painting invites viewers into a picturesque scene along a sandy road winding through a verdant forest. Dramatic, mature trees frame the composition, their dense foliage casting shadows and contributing to a sense of peaceful seclusion. A tranquil atmosphere pervades, depicted in the soft overhead clouds and gentle light that seems to whisper through the leaves.At the heart of the painting, rural life unfolds; a man on horseback and several figures, including women and children, engage near humble cottages that suggest a simple, yet content existence. Animals—a recurring element in Dutch landscapes of this period—add vitality to the scene, with cows and goats enhancing the rural theme.This painting not only showcases Andriessen’s mastery in landscape art but also captures a timeless narrative of human connection to nature and community living.


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Jurriaan Andriessen was a Dutch decorative painter and graphic artist.

His father was from Brandenburg and his mother was from Holstein. He began his art studies at the age of twelve with the decorative painter Anthony Elliger. Four years later, he worked with Jan Maurits Quinkhard.