The Old Fishmarket in Antwerp (1891)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Delve into a scene bustling with the everyday energy of 19th century Antwerp through the masterful sketch "The Old Fishmarket" (1891) by Belgian artist Henri François Schaefels. This evocative work captures not just a place, but the throbbing pulse of daily life during a bygone era.Schaefels' charcoal sketch reveals a crowded fish market, a central hub of activity where townspeople gather not just to buy seafood but to converse, barter, and live out their daily routines. Dominating the composition is a large, tent-like structure, perhaps a makeshift stall, under which vendors and customers engage in lively exchanges. The intricate details of the market are suggested with brisk, dynamic strokes, conveying motion and the transient moments of bustling market life.Adding to the historic and architectural context, the drawing also prominently features a column with the year 1661 inscribed, possibly part of a fountain or monument, lending a sense of permanence that contrasts with the fleeting interactions around it. The background faintly sketches the outlines of the city’s buildings, anchoring the scene in its urban setting.Schaefels, known for his detailed maritime and cityscape scenes, employs a style that is both impressionistic and immediate. This sketch not only provides us with a visual document of historical Antwerp but does so with a vibrancy that suggests the sounds and smells of the market—an immersive experience for the viewer."The Old Fishmarket" is not just art; it is a window into the past, inviting contemporary viewers to ponder the lives and times of Antwerp's citizens from centuries ago.


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Hendrik Frans Schaefels or Henri François Schaefels, also known as Rik Schaefels (Antwerp, 2 December 1827 – Antwerp, 9 June 1904), was a Belgian Romantic painter, draughtsman and engraver known for his seascapes, cityscapes, genre paintings, landscapes with figures and history paintings. He worked in the Romantic style popular in Belgium in the mid nineteenth century and was highly esteemed in Europe for his representations of historic naval battles.