Diana and Endymion (1768)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Presenting a breathtaking example of 18th-century French art, "Diana and Endymion" captures a moment of tender mythology painted by the accomplished Louis-Jean-François Lagrenée. This enchanting work depicts the mythological tale of Diana, the goddess of the hunt and moon, who is entranced by the beauty of the mortal Endymion. According to legend, Diana, smitten by Endymion’s grace, would visit him as he lay in perpetual sleep, forever young and handsome.In Lagrenée's interpretation, the scene is imbued with a soft, dreamlike quality. Diana, adorned in nothing but a loosely draped robe, is shown leaning over a sleeping Endymion, her gaze filled with affection and longing. A gentle crescent moon in the background highlights her divine connection to the night sky, while a cherub, symbolizing love and affection, whispers into her ear, perhaps encouraging her desires.The palette is soft, utilizing muted tones to enhance the ethereal and romantic atmosphere. The delicate play of light and shadow skillfully molds their figures, accentuating the smoothness of their skin and the fluidity of the fabrics. The composition itself invites the viewer to contemplate themes of love, beauty, and the intersection of the mortal and divine realms."Diana and Endymion" is a masterpiece of Rococo style, characterized by its focus on themes of love and sensuality, along with its elaborate and ornamental elements.


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Louis-Jean-François Lagrenée (aka Lagrenée the elder ) was a French rococo painter and student of Carle van Loo . He won the Grand Prix ​​de Rome for painting in 1749 and was elected a member of the Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture in 1755. His younger brother Jean-Jacques Lagrenée (aka Lagrenée the younger ) was also a painter.