Figur in Landschaft (Selbstbildnis) (1926)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Hermann Scherer's woodcut, _Figur in Landschaft (Selbstbildnis)_ from 1926, presents an insight into the artist's exploration of self within the context of his surroundings. Strikingly bold and distinctly expressive, this work showcases Scherer’s expertise in woodcut techniques, characterized by stark contrasts and vigorous lines that captivate and engage.In this self-portrait, Scherer portrays himself as a central, evocative figure enveloped by a tumultuous landscape. The surrounding scene—a rustic, mountainous terrain punctuated by quaint architectural forms—seems to echo the complex state of the human spirit depicted. The artist appears contemplative or perhaps overwhelmed, his features carved deeply into the wood, mirroring the ruggedness of the environment. This visual symmetry beautifully emphasizes the connection between the individual and the external world, suggesting a profound commentary on identity and place.Scherer's use of black and white enhances the dramatic tension within the picture, with the stark whiteness drawing attention to the figure's intense expression and the deep blacks shadowing the craggy mountains and the dense foliage. The composition leads the viewer's eye across the varied textures and forms, creating a dynamic interaction between figure and space, personal introspection, and outward context.This powerful piece not only reflects Scherer’s stylistic and thematic preoccupations but also invites viewers to ponder their own relationship with their environments.


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Hermann Scherer (8 February 1893– 13 May 1927) was a German-speaking Swiss Expressionist painter and sculptor.