Sculptress (1897)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Sculptress" (1897) by Eugène Grasset is a compelling work that captures the artistic spirit and determination of a young sculptor. In the painting, the sculptress is depicted with a focused and serene expression, her eyes filled with a reflective intensity as she chisels away at a piece of stone. She wears a simple striped dress, which contrasts with the rough textures of the sculpture and her work tools, underscoring the energy and physicality involved in her craft.Her head is adorned with a white cloth that not only serves a practical purpose but also enhances her appearance with a touch of elegance, emphasizing her dignity and seriousness toward her art. The background, with its warm, muted orange hues, provides a stark contrast to the sculptress and her sculpture, highlighting her as the central figure of the composition, engrossed in her creative process.Grasset's use of strong outlines and bold colors complements the Art Nouveau style, while also focusing on the theme of women in the arts, portraying them both as creators and as subjects worthy of artistic portrayal.


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Eugène Samuel Grasset (25 May 1845 – 23 October 1917) was a Swiss decorative artist who worked in Paris, France in a variety of creative design fields during the Belle Époque. He is considered a pioneer in Art Nouveau design.