Zonsopgang boven een meer (1927)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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The artwork "Zonsopgang boven een meer" (Sunrise over a Lake) by Lucien Pissarro, dated 1927, features a serene and evocative landscape captured in black and white. This piece of art delicately portrays the moment when the early morning sun pierces through scattered clouds, casting its radiant light across a tranquil lake. The sun’s rays are visually compelling, creating a contrast with the darker, rippled surface of the water and the silhouetted landscape that surrounds it.The scene is framed by rugged hills or cliffs to the left, and what appears to be lush vegetation to the right, suggesting that this lake is nestled within a secluded natural setting. A small, seemingly wooden fence partially submerged or located close to the water's edge, along with a lone boat floating peacefully, adds a human element to the otherwise wild and untouched environment.Pissarro's use of bold, confident lines to depict the reflections in the water and the textures of the clouds and land gives this print a dynamic yet balanced composition. Though simple in its monochromatic scheme, the image evokes a sense of calmness and the mesmerizing beauty of a new day.


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Lucien Pissarro was a landscape painter, printmaker, wood engraver and designer and printer of fine books. His landscape paintings employ techniques of Impressionism and Neo-Impressionism, but he also exhibited with Les XX. Apart from his landscapes he painted a few still lifes and family portraits. Until 1890 he worked in France, but thereafter was based in Britain.