Forest II. (1901–1925)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Forest II" by Dezider Czölder, crafted between 1901 and 1925, invites viewers into a serene, almost mystical depiction of a woodland scene. In this lush pastel artwork, the artist captures the dense overlap of tall, slender trees, whose trunks rise powerfully from the forest floor, marked with subtle hints of browns and reds. The foliage overhead is rendered in a blend of soft greens, grays, and touches of yellow, suggesting a canopy that filters light with a dreamlike quality.The ground is layered with gentle shades of earthy tones, and the textural strokes give a palpable sense of the forest's underfoot. The dappling of light and shadow creates a dynamic interplay, enhancing the depth and the quiet solitude of the wooded landscape. Czölder's skillful use of pastels conveys not just the visual beauty of the forest, but also its tranquil atmosphere, embodying a moment frozen in time where nature's quietude speaks volumes.


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Dezider Czölder (9 September 1875 - 2 September 1933) was a painter and landscape artist.