Venice (c. 1903)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Henri-Edmond Cross’s watercolor painting titled "Venice" (c. 1903) offers a captivating and colorful portrayal of the iconic Venetian landscape. The piece elegantly captures a vibrant vista over the shimmering waters of Venice, detailed with boats, including gondolas and sailboats, that glide gently over the waves. In this painting, Cross applies a stunning array of blue and purple hues to depict the vast sky and its reflection on the water, contrasted against the warm tones of the Venetian architecture.Observing the detailed foreground, one can see figures of people meandering along the promenade, bustling in their day-to-day activities, adding a sense of life and dynamic movement to the scene. The architecture, prominently shown, features the renowned buildings of Venice, including a dome and a campanile—which rises distinctively against the skyline—rendering the city's historic charm.Through this artwork, Cross not only showcases his mastery of the watercolor medium but also conveys a serene yet vivid atmosphere, characteristic of Venice’s enchanting appeal.


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Henri-Edmond Cross, born Henri-Edmond-Joseph Delacroix, (20 May 1856 – 16 May 1910) was a French painter and printmaker. He is most acclaimed as a master of Neo-Impressionism and he played an important role in shaping the second phase of that movement. He was a significant influence on Henri Matisse and many other artists. His work was instrumental in the development of Fauvism.