Farm (1939)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Gustave De Smet's painting, "Farm" (1939), invites viewers into a serene yet expressive rural landscape that encapsulates the essence of pastoral life. The artwork features a quaint farmstead, portrayed with thick, textured strokes of paint that imbue the scene with a sense of tactile realism. Dominating the composition is a large farm building rendered in soft, earthy tones, with doors and window shutters highlighted in vivid red, green, and black, creating focal points that draw the eye.A backdrop of sweeping green fields lends depth to the scene, suggesting a lush, fertile environment, while the foreground of darker greens and browns anchors the composition, enhancing the rustic feel. The sky above is depicted with lighter, dynamic brushstrokes, suggesting fleeting clouds moving across the sky, possibly foretelling a change in weather.De Smet’s use of impasto technique not only adds dimension to the painting but also emphasizes the rugged beauty of country life. The trees to the right—sparsely branched and somewhat stark against the sky—speak to the harsh realities and isolation often found in rural settings.


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Gustave Franciscus De Smet (21 January 1877 – 8 October 1943) was a Belgian painter. Together with Constant Permeke and Frits Van den Berghe, he was one of the founders of Flemish Expressionism. His younger brother, Léon De Smet, also became a painter.