Porträt Veronika Kirmaier im Schleissheimer Garten (1903)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Porträt Veronika Kirmaier im Schleissheimer Garten," painted in 1903 by Leo Putz, is an exquisite piece of art capturing the essence of its era with utmost grace and nuanced expression. This portrait features Veronika Kirmaier, elegantly dressed, seated in the serene setting of the Schleissheimer Garten. The painting showcases the artist's adept use of light and shadow, brilliantly playing across the subject's face and the rich textures of her clothing.Putz's brushwork delivers depth to the portrait with thick, confident strokes, particularly noticeable in the rendering of the vibrant yellow hat adorned with a striking blue ribbon, which contrasts beautifully with the dark hues of her dress and the softer, pastel touches of her scarf. The background, a subtle indication of garden architecture, complements the mood of quiet contemplation captured in Veronika's expression.This painting is not only a personal depiction of Veronika Kirmaier but also a reflection of the style and cultural aesthetics of the early 20th century.


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Leo Putz was a Tyrolean painter. His work encompasses Art Nouveau, Impressionism and the beginnings of Expressionism. Figures, nudes and landscapes are his predominant subjects.