Maastik puudega (1931)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Nikolai Triik’s "Maastik puudega," painted in 1931, captures the vibrant essence and rustic tranquility of a countryside landscape. This exquisite artwork allows viewers to immerse themselves in a visually rich tapestry of nature characterized by bold colors and expressive brushwork. The composition artfully highlights the contrast between the towering, dark green trees in the foreground and the expansive view of the luminous, color-saturated fields stretching into the distant horizon.The central part of the painting features a variety of trees, each rendered with lush, dark hues that suggest the density and depth of woodland. The background is illuminated by a soft, radiant sky transitioning through shades of pink, yellow, and pale blue, suggesting a time either at dawn or dusk. This luminosity casts a serene light over the fields, which are depicted in strokes of yellow, ochre, and green, creating a sense of vast, open space that invites contemplation.Triik's use of color is particularly striking, where the bright, warm tones of the horizon contrast effectively with the cool, shadowy greens of the foliage, bringing a dynamic balance and vibrancy to the scene. This painting not only showcases the natural beauty of Estonia’s landscapes but also reflects the emotional depth and innovative spirit of Triik's artistic style.


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Nikolai Voldemar Triik was an Estonian Modernist painter, graphic artist, printmaker and professor. His work displays elements of Symbolism and Expressionism.

He came from a middle-class family. After graduating from the public schools in 1901, he enrolled at the Saint Petersburg Art and Industry Academy, but was expelled for participating in a student strike during the 1905 Revolution.