Beginn der Oper (1912)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Beginn der Oper" (1912) by Ernst Stern is a captivating and detailed theatrical scene that invites viewers into a world of fantasy and opulence. This painting illustrates a meticulously designed stage set, likely intended for an opera, demonstrating Stern's profound understanding of stage aesthetics and his ability to create enchanting environments for live performances.The scene depicted in the painting is a fantastical garden, enhanced by exotic and tropical elements. Towering palm trees and fanciful architectural structures create a harmonious backdrop for the operatic performance. Two large birdcage-like chandeliers hang from above, adding to the aura of this enchanting setting. On stage, figures dressed in elaborate costumes add life and narrative to the depicted scene, suggesting a moment of either beginning or climax in the opera.The framing of the painting mimics a proscenium arch, providing the viewer with the perspective of an audience member, which enhances the theatrical quality of the work. The careful use of color and light in this composition accentuates the dramatic effect, while the detailed line work contributes to the overall depth and texture, making "Beginn der Oper" not only a testament to Ernst Stern's talent as a painter but also as a master of theatrical design.


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Ernst Stern (1 April 1876 – 28 August 1954) was a Romanian-German scenic designer who, through his collaborations with most of the prominent German directors of the early 20th century, helped define the aesthetic of expressionism in both the theatre and the cinema.