Early in the Morning (1897)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Early in the Morning" (1897) by Gerhard Munthe is a captivating oil painting that invites viewers to experience a calm, picturesque Norwegian village at dawn. The scene is composed around a central wooden bridge that stretches across a serene body of water, reflecting the subtly lit sky and the nearly motionless surface of the lake or river.The painting is characterized by a palette mainly consisting of muted blues, greens, and earth tones that suggest the peacefulness of early daybreak. These colors are punctuated by the vibrant reds of the traditional wooden houses that line the waterfront, bringing warmth and life into the tranquil morning landscape. The architecture suggests a harmony between the village and its natural surroundings.In the background, soft clouds dust the sky, possibly painted in the soft light of early morning. One can also notice a solitary figure standing on the bridge, immersed in thought or perhaps enjoying the quietude of the morning. This addition of a human element adds a layer of contemplation to the painting, as it prompts viewers to reflect on moments of solitude and peace in their own lives.The rugged textures and expressive brushwork enhance the rustic charm of the scene, making "Early in the Morning" not only a visual representation but also an emotive rendition of a Northern morning. The skillful handling of light and reflection showcases Munthe’s prowess in creating atmosphere and depth, making this painting a noteworthy example of Romantic nationalism in Norwegian art.


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Gerhard Peter Frantz Munthe (19 July 1849 in Elverum, Hedmark – 15 January 1929 in Lysaker, Bærum) was a Norwegian painter and illustrator.