On The Banks Of The Seine (1909-1912)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Discover the vibrant and expressive work of Henry Lyman Saÿen through his painting "On the Banks of the Seine," created between 1909 and 1912. This engaging piece captures a lively scene along the famous river in Paris, infused with dynamic brushstrokes and a bold palette that echo the transformative energies of early 20th-century modernism.In the foreground, two figures are depicted strolling by the riverbank, absorbed in their conversation, hinting at the daily social life that pulses along the Seine. The background is dominated by a striking view of the river, with a bridge arcing elegantly across it, connecting the two sides of the city. To the left, a row of trees lines the promenade, their foliage lush and dark green under a sky swirled with clouds, moving from the soft pinks of dawn or dusk to a deep, resonant blue.Saÿen’s use of color and form conveys not just the visual but the emotional landscape of Paris in a period of great artistic innovation. This painting is particularly notable for its application of color patches that create a vibrant, almost dream-like atmosphere, inviting viewers to experience the beauty and vibrancy of Paris through the artist's eyes. Saÿen's technique shows the influence of Post-Impressionism and hints of Fauvism, emphasizing mood and atmosphere over direct representation.


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H. Lyman Saÿen (sometimes also spelled Sayen) was an American pioneer in the design of x-ray tubes who also distinguished himself as an abstract artist.