Rooftops, Paris (1909-1912)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Welcome to a vibrant glimpse of early 20th-century Paris through the eyes of Henry Lyman Saÿen, an American artist who brought his unique perspective to the classic Parisian landscape. Painted between 1909 and 1912, is a captivating example of Saÿen's work, showcasing his post-impressionist influences merged with modernist tendencies.This painting invites you to experience the urban texture of Paris from an elevated viewpoint, highlighting the architectural beauty through an array of warm and cool tones. Saÿen's brush strokes give life to the dense arrangement of buildings, characterized by their distinct roofs adorned with chimney stacks that punctuate the skyline. The large, pink building in the foreground dominates the canvas, its numerous windows offering a rhythmic pattern that contrasts beautifully against the bustling background.The surrounding buildings, depicted in varying shades of white, cream, and gray, frame the composition, while a lush green tree adds a burst of natural beauty, introducing a soft, organic form into the geometric urban landscape. Above, the sky is a dynamic element, painted with broad, expressive strokes of blue and white, suggesting the movement of clouds and the fleeting nature of light.Henry Lyman Saÿen's "Rooftops, Paris" not only captures a physical location but also evokes the atmospheric charm of Paris that has mesmerized artists and viewers alike.


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H. Lyman Saÿen (sometimes also spelled Sayen) was an American pioneer in the design of x-ray tubes who also distinguished himself as an abstract artist.