Vue de l’église Saint-Pierre de Montrouge prise du Grand-Montrouge (1891)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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We are delighted to present a remarkable piece by Félix Brard, titled "Vue de l’église Saint-Pierre de Montrouge prise du Grand-Montrouge" from 1891. This enchanting artwork offers a glimpse into the serene landscape of Montrouge in the late 19th century.Félix Brard's mastery in capturing the essence of a moment is evident in this beautifully detailed etching. The image draws the viewer’s attention through the carefully etched leafless trees that dominate the foreground, creating a sense of depth and perspective. These trees, with their intricate branches spread out against a subdued sky, frame the central focus of the piece—a distant view of the Saint-Pierre de Montrouge church.The church itself, with its elegant steeple, rises softly yet commandingly in the background. The use of light and shadow in this piece subtly highlights the architectural features of the church, making it a beacon amidst the softer textures of the natural and urban elements surrounding it.In the lower areas of the etching, small details such as a rickety fence and hints of underbrush suggest the boundary between the untamed nature and the structured human habitat. The meticulous strokes and shades capture the tranquil yet somewhat melancholic mood, reflective of a cool, perhaps autumnal day.Brard's work not only showcases his technical skills but also evokes an emotional response, transporting the viewer to a quiet moment in history, where the slow pace of life and the beauty of the surrounding environment command appreciation.


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Félix Brard is a French Impressionist & Modern artist. Félix Brard's work has been offered at auction multiple times.