Polish Revival Loan (1920)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Polish Revival Loan" is a compelling piece by the eminent artist Józef Mehoffer, created in the year 1920. This artwork echoes the sentiments and fervor of post-World War I Poland, encapsulating the nation's push towards rebuilding and renewal.The painting features a central figure, a stalwart and determined woman, who is symbolically contributing a brick towards a burgeoning edifice, representing the collective effort in reconstructing the nation. She stands atop a ladder, denoting progress, aspiration, and the gradual but steady rise from devastation.In the background, one can observe the architectural silhouette of an urban landscape, likely a representation of an evolving Polish cityscape that emerged during the interwar period. Dominating the sky above, a majestic eagle soars— a potent emblem of Poland's sovereignty and enduring spirit.This artwork not only captures a pivotal moment in Polish history but also resonates with themes of hope, unity, and the indomitable human spirit.


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Józef Mehoffer was a Polish painter and decorative artist, one of the leading artists of the Young Poland movement and one of the most revered Polish artists of his time.

Mehoffer was born in Ropczyce, studied painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków under Władysław Łuszczkiewicz, and later at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, as well as in Paris at the Académie Colarossi among others. There Mehoffer began painting portraits, often of people of historical significance.