Square de la Mairie (XIV) Paris (1918)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Step into a serene snapshot of early 20th-century Parisian life with Félix Brard's exquisite watercolor painting, "Square de la Mairie (XIV) Paris (1918)." This luminous artwork captures a leisurely afternoon in one of Paris's charming public squares situated in the 14th arrondissement, known for its amiable neighborhood atmosphere and verdant parks.Brard masterfully uses light and shadow to bring this scene to life, focusing on a group of elegantly dressed women and children immersed in various leisurely pursuits. The sunlight filters through the lush canopies of the trees, casting dappled shadows and illuminating patches of vibrant greenery and autumn gold leaves. The soft hues and fluid brushstrokes evoke a sense of calm and beauty, characteristic of peaceful moments away from the bustling city life.Foregrounded in the composition are women seated and engaged in conversation, some attending to young children playing nearby. One woman stands, reading aloud to a captivated audience, illustrating the era's appreciation for public readings and shared cultural experiences. Children, dressed in period attire, add a playful dynamism to the serene setting as they interact with each other and explore their verdant surroundings.The scattering of flowers and vibrant green grass contrast beautifully with the various tones of the tree leaves, enhancing the painting’s depth and the feel of a breezy summer day. Brard's work not only encapsulates a specific locale but also communicates the universal joy of community gatherings and the simple pleasures of nature.


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Félix Brard is a French Impressionist & Modern artist. Félix Brard's work has been offered at auction multiple times.