The sea fairies pl 34 (1911)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Welcome to our gallery's presentation of "The Sea Fairies PL 34," a wondrous illustration crafted by the talented John Rea Neill in 1911. This piece offers a mesmerizing glance into an aquatic fantasy world that vividly brings to life the enchantment of undersea realms.In this unique composition, Neill masterfully portrays a vision of the ocean's depth fused with fairy-tale magic. The central image features a serene underwater scene where a figure, presumably a sea fairy, glides gracefully near a fantastical representation of an underwater domicile. This ethereal creature, adorned in a flowing garment that recalls the fluidity of water itself, inspects a quaint, dome-structured building enveloped in a burst of soft, bubbly light.Surrounding the central panel, the borders are intricately decorated with marine flora and fauna. On the top left, a fish that exhibits both intrigue and elegance peers into the scene, adding a touch of whimsy. To the right, a detailed depiction of another sea fairy with intricate wings suggests the ethereal nature of these oceanic inhabitants. The framework also includes starfish and swirling patterns reminiscent of water currents, enhancing the overall mystical feel of the illustration.


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John Rea Neill was a magazine and children's book illustrator primarily known for illustrating more than forty stories set in the Land of Oz, including L. Frank Baum's, Ruth Plumly Thompson's, and three of his own. His pen-and-ink drawings have become identified almost exclusively with the Oz series. He did a great deal of magazine and newspaper illustration work which is not as well known today.