Bateau en construction en bord de canal, Paysage hollandais (1857)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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In this evocative scene, the soft glow of twilight bathes a tranquil canal setting in warm hues. A boat under construction dominates the foreground, its skeletal frame stark against the diffused light. Nearby, tall, slender trees punctuate the sky, their foliage gently swaying. The serene water reflects the gentle colors of the sky and the silhouettes of the boats moored along the banks. Small figures, possibly workers, are gathered around the boat and along the water’s edge, subtly integrated into the landscape. A rowboat gently glides through the water, carrying passengers toward the viewer. The distant horizon is softly muted, where the sky meets the calm water, underlined by a row of horizon buildings and structures, hinting at a bustling yet distant activity.


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Johan Barthold Jongkind was a Dutch painter and printmaker. He painted marine landscapes in a free manner and is regarded as a forerunner of Impressionism.