Portrait Of Charles I (1636)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Portrait of Charles I" is a resplendent representation of the monarch, painted in the year 1636. The painting captures the regal posture and dignified air of Charles I, King of England, showcasing the sophisticated attire and royal bearing characteristic of his reign. In this full-length portrait, Charles stands confidently, with one hand on his hip and the other casually resting on a stone column. His attire is ornate, featuring a rich velvet cloak dotted with pearls and a lace collar that exemplifies the fashion of his time. Gold threads and intricate embroidery adorn his doublet, highlighting his status and the opulence of the royal court.His relaxed pose against the classical architecture, combined with the detailed rendering of his robes, suggests both power and grace, a sovereign at ease in his role yet aware of his regal duties and image. The subtle tones and the play of light on the fabric add depth and texture to this striking portrait, making it not only a valuable historical document but also a masterpiece of portrait painting from the 17th century.


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