At Chinsurah [Chinsura] (1785)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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In the evocative watercolor painting "At Chinsurah (Chinsura) 1785" by Samuel Davis, viewers are transported to a tranquil riverside scene in the historical town of Chinsurah, India. With its ethereal quality and soft hues, Davis captures a casual, yet picturesque moment along the water’s edge.The composition features a panoramic view of the riverbank, where the gentle flow of water mirrors a cloudy sky. On the left, the scene is anchored by a large building that appears to be a warehouse or possibly a local dwelling, typical of the architecture from the period with its robust, rudimentary structure. Moving towards the center and right of the painting, local inhabitants engage in various activities by the water. Several figures can be seen washing clothing and perhaps collecting water, an everyday glimpse into the lives of the town's people during the 18th century.Noteworthy is Davis' ability to blend the natural with the human element seamlessly. The delicate execution of watercolor creates a mirage-like effect where the sky and water meet, giving the painting a sense of depth and expansiveness. Small boats float gently on the right, suggesting the presence of nearby activity and commerce that perhaps linked Chinsurah to other locales along the river.This painting not only serves as a historical snapshot of life in Chinsurah during the 1780s but also showcases Samuel Davis’s mastery in using watercolors to convey serene landscapes and daily life.


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Samuel Davis was an English soldier turned diplomat who later became a director of the East India Company (EIC). He was the father of John Francis Davis, one time Chief Superintendent of British Trade in China and second governor of Hong Kong.