Ornamental Gateway (ca. 1783)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Delve into the ethereal tranquility of "Ornamental Gateway," a captivating ink and wash painting created around 1783 by the artist Samuel Davis. This piece portrays an architectural gateway, imbued with an air of serene mysticism that invites viewers to step into a world of historical intrigue and aesthetic allure.The gateway depicted is adorned with intricate decorations, featuring an elevated pavilion-like structure topped with a tiered, scalloped roof that is characteristic of certain Asian architectural styles. The delicate fringes hanging from the eaves add a sense of elegance and softness to the firm outlines of the wooden beams. Underneath the main archway, a glimpse into a dimly lit corridor reveals the rough texture of the walls, contrasting with the smoothness of the roof.Around the gateway, the surrounding landscape is subtly sketched, showing trees and foliage in a variety of shaded tones that create a sense of depth and dimension. The light and shadow play across the scene evokes a peaceful early morning or late afternoon, where sunlight and shade mingle harmoniously.This artwork by Samuel Davis not only captures a moment of architectural beauty but also reflects the historical context of its time, providing a window into the aesthetic preferences and cultural influences of the late 18th century.


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Samuel Davis was an English soldier turned diplomat who later became a director of the East India Company (EIC). He was the father of John Francis Davis, one time Chief Superintendent of British Trade in China and second governor of Hong Kong.