
Technique: Giclée quality print
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Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec's artwork "Cassive" portrays a strikingly delicate profile study of a woman. The artist's mastery in capturing the essence of his subjects is evident through the simplicity and fluidity of his lines. In this drawing, the woman is shown in profile, her features sharply delineated, suggesting a mixture of seriousness and introspection. Her hair is neatly pulled back, emphasizing the elegant curve of her neck and the subtle details of her ear.The economy of line in Toulouse-Lautrec's work speaks to his ability to convey much with minimal strokes, blending an impressionistic sense of form with a distinctly post-impressionist flair. The woman’s garment is suggested by mere hints of lines, providing just enough detail to frame her figure gracefully without overwhelming the viewer with detail.This artwork may evoke a sense of quietude and contemplation, inviting viewers to ponder the story or the mood of the depicted moment. "Cassive" is a beautiful example of Toulouse-Lautrec’s skillful execution in portraiture, giving us a glimpse into the character and style of late 19th-century artistic portrayal.


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Comte Henri Marie Raymond de Toulouse-Lautrec-Monfa (24 November 1864 – 9 September 1901), known as Toulouse Lautrec was a French painter, printmaker, draughtsman, caricaturist, and illustrator whose immersion in the colourful and theatrical life of Paris in the late 19th century allowed him to produce a collection of enticing, elegant, and provocative images of the sometimes decadent affairs of those times.