Die Familie des Künstlers beim Frühstück (1872-1873)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Anton Romako's painting, "Die Familie des Künstlers beim Frühstück" (The Artist's Family at Breakfast), painted between 1872 and 1873, offers a tender glimpse into the domestic life of the artist. This artwork captures a seemingly ordinary, yet intimate moment within the family in a style that borders between realism and impressionism.The composition focuses on three figures — presumably the artist's wife and their two young children — seated around a modest breakfast table. The mother, dressed in a loose, flowing white blouse, is caught in the act of pouring tea, her expression serene and content. To her left, the eldest child meticulously stirs his bowl, absorbed in the task, while the youngest child on the right audibly enjoys a slice of bread, her cheeks puffed and eyes bright with delight.Romako's use of light in this painting subtly highlights the facial expressions and the soft, everyday interaction between the family members. The background, though less defined, suggests a peaceful, airy environment that enhances the sense of a leisurely morning. The brushwork is notably loose, lending a freshness and spontaneity that reflects the innocence and simplicity of family life.This painting not only showcases Romako's mastery of form and color but also reflects his personal life, giving us a cherished snapshot of the private world behind the public artist.


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Anton Romako (20 October 1832 – 8 March 1889) was an Austrian painter.