Study for Refugees (1936)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Study for Refugees" (1936) by Cyprián Majerník offers a poignant glimpse into the arduous journey of displaced individuals during tumultuous times. In this emotive sketch, the artist captures the essence of displacement through his use of soft yet urgent pencil strokes, rendering scenes teeming with urgency and despair.The piece primarily features a gaunt horse, pulling a loaded cart perhaps indicative of the few earthly possessions the refugees could carry. The horse’s prominent ribs and lowered head evoke a sense of exhaustion and the burdens it bears. Behind it, a cluster of figures emerges from the sketch—men, women, and children—each face etched with the weight of their struggles.Majerník’s talent shines in his ability to evoke emotion through minimal yet powerful lines, portraying a storyline that resonates with the viewer’s sense of empathy and historical awareness.


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Cyprián Majerník (24 November 1909, Veľké Kostoľany – 4 July 1945, Prague) was a Slovak painter who worked in Prague; associated with the "Generation of 1909".