Bull Attacking Mastiff

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Samuel Howitt's evocative work, "Bull Attacking Mastiff," depicts a vivid and dynamic scene of natural confrontation. Crafted with a keen observation, the painting captures a moment of intense action where a formidable bull is entangled in a fierce struggle with a mastiff. The bull, rendered with powerful lines and shading, is caught mid-movement, its body twisted in motion as it attempts to fend off the aggressive mastiff. The mastiff, equally detailed, mirrors the bull's energy with a display of fierce resilience.The setting of the confrontation is subtly delineated, suggesting a pastoral landscape that provides a stark contrast to the ferocity of the engagement. In the background, a muted depiction of another bull adds a layer of depth to the scene, hinting at a broader narrative beyond this isolated incident.Howitt’s mastery in using monochrome palette aids in emphasizing the movement and the drama, focusing the viewer’s attention squarely on the raw power and tumult of the encounter between the animal figures.


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Samuel Howitt was an English painter, illustrator and etcher of animals, hunting, horse-racing and landscape scenes. He worked in both oils and watercolors.