Iris (1916)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Iris" (1916), painted by the distinguished American artist Arthur Bowen Davies, is an evocative piece that resonates with the ethereal qualities often attributed to the artist’s work. In this monochromatic lithograph, we observe the serene depiction of a solitary female figure, possibly representing Iris, the Greek goddess associated with the rainbow and messenger of the gods.The figure is captured in a thoughtful, seated pose, surrounded by a somewhat abstract, shadowy landscape that blends into the background. Davies' mastery in softening the lines and contours gives the artwork a dreamlike aura, inviting viewers into a tranquil, introspective moment. The minimalistic use of detail focuses attention on the gentle curvature of the figure and the nuanced interplay of light and dark, adding a layer of depth and mystique.This artwork is a testament to Davies' skill in merging classical themes with a modernist aesthetic, making "Iris" a captivating piece that encourages contemplation and appreciation for subtle complexities.


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Arthur Bowen Davies (September 26, 1862 – October 24, 1928) was an avant-garde American artist and influential advocate of modern art in the United States.