Landscape near Třeboň (1932)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Landscape near Třeboň" is a captivating painting by Cyprián Majerník, painted in 1932, that invites viewers into a tranquil, rural setting in the Czech landscape. This artwork displays a modest, yet charming country house, nestled amidst lush greenery. The house, painted with a textured, almost tactile approach, is central in the composition and striking with its stark white walls with subtle touches of red, contrasting vividly against the verdant surroundings.Majerník’s use of swirling brush strokes and a rich, earthy palette enhances the sense of a dynamic, breathing landscape. The sky, depicted with light brush strokes in shades of blue and white, adds a sense of movement, suggesting the fleeting nature of rural tranquility. The bending trees and undulating terrain around the house convey rhythms of nature, further enriched by the shadow and light play across the scene.The image radiates a serene simplicity, offering a glimpse into the quiet beauty of 1930s Třeboň, a representation that invites contemplation and appreciation for the slow pace of countryside life.


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Cyprián Majerník (24 November 1909, Veľké Kostoľany – 4 July 1945, Prague) was a Slovak painter who worked in Prague; associated with the "Generation of 1909".