Self portrait (1904–1905)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Welcome to our exploration of "Self Portrait" (1904-1905), a captivating work by Slovak artist Ľudovít Čordák, showcased in our collection. This compelling painting offers a glimpse into the persona and self-perception of Čordák through his direct and nuanced portrayal.In this portrait, Čordák presents himself with a confident and probing gaze that meets the viewer’s eye, suggesting a moment of introspection and self-awareness. He wears a stylish black hat that casts a subtle shadow over his eyes, adding a sense of mystery and depth to his expression. His well-groomed mustache and neat beard frame a face that shows a man in his prime, possibly reflecting his pride in his personal and artistic identity.The attire is elegantly simple yet striking—a crisp white shirt accented with a red cravat, which provides a splash of color to the otherwise muted palette. The choice of red may symbolize passion and intensity, hinting at the fervor that drives his artistic pursuits. The background of the portrait is understated, ensuring that our focus remains firmly on the figure of Čordák himself.This self-portrait not only showcases Čordák’s skill as a painter but also serves as a personal statement, allowing us a rare psychological insight into the artist as an individual.


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Ludwig Deutsch was an Austrian painter who settled in Paris and became a noted Orientalist artist.

Details of Ludwig Deutsch's life are obscure. He was born in Vienna in 1855 into a well-established Jewish family. His father Ignaz Deutsch was a financier at the Austrian court. He studied at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts 1872–1875, then, in 1878, moved to Paris where he became strongly associated with Orientalism.