Going to Cover

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Going to Cover" by Samuel Howitt is a captivating depiction of an English rural scene, rich in the traditions of fox hunting. This watercolor painting vibrantly captures a moment of anticipation and preparation before the hunt commences. In the foreground, a lively ensemble of hounds dynamically scatters across the frame, embodying a burst of movement and joyful chaos. These dogs are likely eager for the hunt, their energy palpable and expressions full of excitement.Accompanying the hounds, three riders on horseback dominate the scene. Dressed in traditional hunting attire, the central figures — one prominently wearing a bright red jacket — are portrayed managing their horses with skill and ease, even amidst the boisterous activity of the dogs. The artist’s use of light and muted colors in the background contrasts with the more vividly dressed rider, drawing attention to the central action of the scene.Howitt’s treatment of both the landscape and figures showcases his adept handling of watercolors and his intimate understanding of rural life. The surrounding woods with their loosely defined leaves and branches lend an airy, open feeling to the canvas, suggesting the expansiveness of the countryside. This artwork not only exemplifies the sport and its accompanying camaraderies but also celebrates the rural English landscape in a delicate balance of motion and tranquility.


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Samuel Howitt was an English painter, illustrator and etcher of animals, hunting, horse-racing and landscape scenes. He worked in both oils and watercolors.