La botanique de J. J. Rousseau Pl 22 (1805)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Welcome to a serene exploration of flora as depicted in "La botanique de J. J. Rousseau Pl 22" by Pierre Joseph Redouté, an artwork that meticulously portrays a plant in full bloom. Dated 1805, this painting reflects Redouté's masterful rendering of botanical subjects, showcasing a detailed and delicate Lupine, known scientifically as Lupinus.In the image, the Lupine stands elegantly with a vertical orientation, showcasing a tall spike adorned with clusters of vibrant blue flowers. Each petal is painted with such precision that viewers can almost sense the texture. The leaves, arranged spirally on the stem, have a rich green hue and a slightly glossy appearance, illustrating Redouté’s attention to the subtleties of natural light and shadow.Redouté, often referred to as the "Raphael of flowers," brings out the serene beauty of the Lupine, making it not just a scientific representation but also a piece of art that transcends the botanical illustration genre. His work not only served scientific purposes but also delighted the art enthusiasts of his time and continues to enchant contemporary audiences with its timeless beauty.This piece originally contributed to Redouté’s aims of educating and sharing the botanical world, inspired by the philosophies of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, who emphasized the importance of nature in human education.


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Pierre-Joseph Redouté, was a painter and botanist from Belgium, known for his watercolours of roses, lilies and other flowers at Malmaison, many of which were published as large, color stipple engravings. He was nicknamed "the Raphael of flowers" and has been called the greatest botanical illustrator of all time.