The Parisian Sphinx (1875-1877)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Alfred Stevens, a noted Belgian painter, renowned for his captivating depictions of elegant Parisian women, presents yet another alluring artwork titled "The Parisian Sphinx." Painted between 1875 and 1877, this striking portrait offers a profound glimpse into the sophisticated and contemplative world of a Parisian woman during the 19th century.In "The Parisian Sphinx," Stevens portrays a young woman seated in an introspective pose against a somber, dark background that enhances her luminous presence. Her attire is sumptuous, detailed with a white dress adorned with colorful floral embroideries that contrast stunningly against her black shawl or wrap. The dress itself is a testament to the fashion of the time, emphasizing an aesthetic of delicate beauty combined with personal sophistication.Her gaze, slightly directed away from the viewer, along with her hand thoughtfully resting against her cheek, imbues the painting with a sense of introspection and subtle enigma, akin to the mythical Sphinx's riddle. This mimicry not only titles her as a mystery but also reflects the complex social roles and expectations of women during this period.The woman's accessories, a simple yet elegant bracelet and a strikingly ornate ring, along with her elaborately styled hair, framed by what appears to be a fur piece, complete her regal but introspective appearance."The Parisian Sphinx" is more than a mere portrait; it is a narrative of grace, complexity, and the quiet strength of a woman navigating the societal landscapes of her time. It invites viewers to ponder the untold stories and the quietly powerful presence of the seemingly inscrutable woman before them. Alfred Stevens, through his masterful brushwork and insightful portrayal, crafts a timeless reflection on beauty and mystery.


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Alfred Émile Léopold Stevens (11 May 1823 – 24 August 1906) was a Belgian painter, known for his paintings of elegant modern women. In their realistic style and careful finish, his works reveal the influence of 17th-century Dutch genre painting.