Going out of Kennel

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Going out of Kennel" is a charming watercolor painting by the English artist Samuel Howitt, known for his evocative depictions of rural life and sporting scenes. This particular artwork, infused with soft earthy tones, captures a lively moment outside a kennel.In this bucolic scene, a group of enthusiastic hounds burst forth from the kennel, their tails wagging and ears perked, showing their readiness for the day's activities. They are met by several elegantly mounted horsemen and an attendant on foot, who are preparing for a hunt. The central figure, a rider in a striking blue coat, seems to be taking charge, either calling out instructions or greeting another rider. Each horse and rider is depicted with careful attention to detail, from the poised stances of the horses to the riders' attire.The background features a robust building, possibly a stable or part of the kennel complex, set against a serene landscape of trees and a softly defined sky, suggesting the early hours of a day.Howitt's mastery in using watercolors to create depth and atmosphere brings a gentle dynamism to the painting, inviting the viewer to feel the crisp morning air and sense the anticipation of the hounds and riders alike.


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Samuel Howitt was an English painter, illustrator and etcher of animals, hunting, horse-racing and landscape scenes. He worked in both oils and watercolors.