The Great Mother (c. 1913)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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1913)Arthur Bowen Davies' painting "The Great Mother," dating from around 1913, embodies an ethereal and almost celestial composition that serves as a testament to his unique style and philosophical underpinnings. This modernist piece contrasts vividly colored figures with a dynamic and somewhat abstract background, setting a dreamlike stage where dimensions and spaces intersect fluidly.At the center of the composition is a figure that stands out as the titular 'Great Mother,' depicted with an enigmatic yet serene expression. Her centrality and the radiating composition suggest her significance as a nurturing and creative force. Surrounding her are various figures, mostly female, painted in lighter, soft pastel hues that contribute to the painting's mystic and gentle aura. The figures appear almost as if they are moving or floating, enhancing the painting’s surreal quality.The use of translucent and overlapping color planes creates a sense of depth and complexity, adding to the feeling that the viewer is glimpsing into a different, almost otherworldly realm. Each element in the painting, from the poses of the figures to the interplay of colors, is meticulously crafted to evoke themes of femininity, fertility, and the metaphysical connection between reality and the ethereal."The Great Mother" is not only a visual exploration of these themes but also an invitation to consider the deeper connections between human existence and the abstract, spiritual dimensions of life.


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Arthur Bowen Davies (September 26, 1862 – October 24, 1928) was an avant-garde American artist and influential advocate of modern art in the United States.