Flowers (1919-1920)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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On our website, we are pleased to feature "Flowers," a captivating work by Arthur Bowen Davies created between 1919 and 1920. This painting stands out for its delicate, ethereal qualities and Davies' distinct style of blending realism with mystical elements. The artwork depicts a sequence of female figures, rendered with graceful, flowing lines that suggest movement and gentle rest. The figures are portrayed in various poses of repose and relaxation, their expressions serene and contemplative.Davies' minimalistic approach focuses on the beauty of the human form, using sparse but effective shading to add depth and dimension. His work often explores the lyrical and poetic aspects of human figures in harmony with nature and their surroundings, and "Flowers" is a beautiful testament to that exploration. The title itself, although not directly illustrative of botanical elements, suggests a metaphorical connection to the natural, blooming forms and the inherent beauty of his subjects.This piece is a wonderful representation of early 20th-century American art and reflects the artist's ongoing fascination with dreamlike imagery and elegant compositions.


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Arthur Bowen Davies (September 26, 1862 – October 24, 1928) was an avant-garde American artist and influential advocate of modern art in the United States.