Landscape with Waterfall (between circa 1660 and circa 1670)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Dive into the tranquil yet dynamic world of Jacob van Ruisdael's "Landscape with Waterfall," crafted in the golden era of Dutch painting, approximately between 1660 and 1670. This exquisite masterpiece transports viewers to a serene, forested landscape carved by a vigorous waterfall.In this painting, Ruisdael captures the wild beauty of nature with a meticulous eye for detail and a profound appreciation for its forms. The scene is dominated by sprawling trees, including towering evergreens that pierce the sky with their rugged silhouettes. In the foreground, the waterfall cascades energetically, its frothy waters tumbling over rocks and weaving through the rugged terrain.The artist's skill in depicting light and shadow is palpable, with a dramatic sky full of roiling clouds that suggest an impending storm or the passing of recent rain. This atmospheric effect not only enhances the emotional depth of the scene but also demonstrates Ruisdael’s mastery in portraying different weather conditions.Adding to the composition's depth, a modest wooden cottage nestles discreetly in the left corner, partly obscured by trees, suggesting the presence of human life within this wild realm. In the distant background, a castle atop a hill looms, its faint outline contributing to the overall mystique and depth of the landscape.Jacob van Ruisdael’s "Landscape with Waterfall" is more than just a visual treat; it is a profound meditation on the beauty and power of the natural world, reflecting themes of tranquility and the sublime which resonate through his work.


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Jakobas van Reisdalis (1628 – 1682 m.) – vienas žymiausių XVII a. Nyderlandų baroko epochos tapytojų−peizažistų. Lietuvos dailės muziejaus rinkiniuose yra jo paveikslas „Krioklys“ (nuolatinėje ekspozicijoje Radvilų rūmuose).