Ulica na periférií (1924–1927)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Ulica na periférií" (1924–1927) by Konštantín Bauer captures a vivid, emotion-stirring glimpse into an urban periphery during the early 20th century. The pastel medium employed by Bauer imbues the scene with a soft, almost dreamlike quality, which contrasts sharply with what might typically be considered a mundane cityscape. At the heart of this work is an unembellished street lined by modest homes which bear the subtle, yet telling, signs of time's passage and urban sprawl.The color palette of blues, grays, and earthy yellows, along with the striking red rooftops and the tall, thin smokestack in the background, draw the eye along the perspective of the road, hinting at the daily rhythms of life that pulse through even the quietest parts of a city. Bare, branching trees stand as silent witnesses along the path, suggesting the coldness of late autumn or early winter. The scene, devoid of people, invites the viewer to fill in their own narratives about the lives intersected by this street.Bauer’s work here is not just a visual document; it is an invitation to ponder on the stories and histories layered within urban outskirts.


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Konštantín Bauer was a Slovak painter.

Konštantín Bauer was born on November 24, 1893 in Slovenská Ľupča. He spent his childhood in Banská Bystrica. At the age of fifteen, he moved with his parents to Košice, where he graduated from high school. After graduating in mechanical engineering in Budapest in 1915, he worked briefly as an engineer in Novo Mesto pod Šiatrom. From 1916 to 1918 he worked as a railway engineer in Transylvania and then as a civilian employee at the Ministry of War in Vienna.