Staande vrouw in een landschap (1834 - 1911)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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We are delighted to present one of Jozef Israëls' eloquent artworks, "Staande vrouw in een landschap" (Standing Woman in a Landscape), a piece that illuminates his mastery in capturing the essence of serene moments. In this painting, Israëls, a prominent figure in the Dutch school of painting, uses subtle watercolor hues to depict a gentle pastoral scene encased in soft light and delicate details.The artwork showcases a lone woman standing amidst a lush landscape. She is dressed in traditional attire, her figure rendered with gentle, fluid strokes that suggest both her presence and her merging with the scenery. The backdrop features an expansive view of thriving trees and shrubbery, their forms loose and impressionistic, dissolving into the hazy atmosphere that typifies Israëls' style.To the right, a rustic fence and a small segment of a farmhouse anchor the composition, suggesting a narrative grounded in a rural setting. The painting's subdued palette of greens, blues, and earthy tones evoke a sense of calm and timelessness, inviting the viewer to ponder the story of the woman and the landscape that cradles her."Staande vrouw in een landschap" is not just a visual treat; it’s a depiction of solitude and contemplation. This artwork is a testament to Jozef Israëls' ability to evoke emotion and narrative through his adept use of color and form, making us reflect on the simpler, quieter moments of life.


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Jozef Israëls was a Dutch painter. He was a leading member of the group of landscape painters referred to as the Hague School and, during his lifetime, "the most respected Dutch artist of the second half of the nineteenth century".

He was born in Groningen, of Jewish parents. His father, Hartog Abraham Israëls, intended for him to be a businessman, and it was only after a determined struggle that he was allowed to embark on an artistic career. He studied initially from 1835 to 1842 at the Minerva Academy in his home town Groningen.