Palace on a Cliff Above a River (1780-1789)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Palace on a Cliff Above a River" is an exquisite illustration by the artist Joseph Farington, crafted between 1780 and 1789. This drawing showcases Farington's delicate and precise handling of landscape elements, which is characteristic of his work.The scene is set in a tranquil yet majestic land, where a vast river gently flows through a rugged landscape, meandering around the base of a towering cliff. Atop this imposing cliff rests an elegant, stately palace, its architectural details suggesting a serene detachment from the bustling world below. Farington has masterfully captured the dichotomy between the enduring, calm strength of nature and the crafted grandeur of human construction.Trees with soft, fluttering leaves frame the scene, enhancing the depth and adding a natural grace to the composition. The soft outline and light shading evoke a dreamlike atmosphere, inviting viewers to lose themselves in this peaceful, almost mythical setting."Palace on a Cliff Above a River" invites admirers to reflect on the beauty and quietude of nature, juxtaposed with human ingenuity and aesthetics.


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Joseph Farington RA was an 18th-century English landscape painter and diarist.

Born in Leigh, Lancashire, Farington was the second of seven sons of William Farington and Esther Gilbody. His father was the rector of Warrington and vicar of Leigh. Three of his brothers—William, Henry, and Richard—were "employed in the naval service of the East India Company". Edward died of yellow fever when he was 32. Robert attended Brasenose College and became vicar of St George in the East, London (whose advowson was held by Brasenose). George Farington became a painter, like Joseph himself.